2018年1月22日 星期一

A taste of downtown Launceston in 14hrs @Tasmania ,day 1

不好意思我偷懶了!我用英文寫比較快 雖然不是很精闢 但是我知道我如不快快寫完 就又要像許多等待完成的遊記擱在電腦裏.. 永不見天日 😅。這篇就要是聊一聊我們18號下榻Launceston 的酒店,海鮮大餐與瀑布行!(不好意思 可以用的照片裡都有自己 您就當做是路人甲就好)

雖然我們倆白天花了六個多小時在紫色花田裡玩的髒兮兮才到酒店報到, 但這天黑前的幾個小時也超出期待,真的很棒很豐盛。當晚我頭一次體會秒睡的魔力,也感謝夏日天黑得晚 為我們爭取了這無可取代的美麗黃昏遊。值得一提的是,這酒店我覺得最棒最棒的是它臨河岸建 所以有一條長長的步道沿著河岸一路走 可以通到瀑布的橋(起點); 傍晚時分 涼風習習 很是愜意啊!Hallams餐廳就位於往瀑布的路上, 記憶中走過搭建的人行步道之後回到柏油路 過了幾間房子就可以看到右手邊一間外觀平凡白色房子,生意很-好! 來不及預約就碰運氣,如果客滿 可以先留下名字預約,我倆就先去附近的瀑布峽谷 再回來吃晚餐!瀑布峽谷(我們好像沒看到瀑布😖)步道很好走,但還是記得穿好雙走路的鞋😁,最裡面的公園很綠很棒可以玩水也有很多美麗的孔雀舆祛羞的Wallaby!如是假日真的可以在裏面野餐玩大半天曬小孩呢。💖這真的是一個很棒的一天, 對於初次見面的Launceston更加難忘,再度感謝好友M的安排與邀約💖

*酒店 @Hotel Peppers Seaport Tasmania 

If your schedule is tight, and you only have got 14hrs for a dinner, a leisure walk and a good sleep, then Hotel Peppers Seafront is a fantastic choice for the night!!!!! WHY?

Hotel Peppers Seaport is nicely located right next Tamar River outside the town centre, yet it's not too far to venture into town by foot I believe. There are a cluster of restaurants downstairs alongside the boardwalk to choose from, in case you got lazy it's not too far to walk to food. Or you could simply go to hotel restaurant on the ground floor.  

What the hotel Peppers impressed me the most is: Hotel itself is nice & neat with its own style, and those helpful staffs at the reception made you feel welcomed.  The room we checked in into is pretty good size for two which is brightly facing the Tamar River that was calm & soothing to watch with a cup of coffee in hand any time of the day .. though we had no balcony to sit on (next room has one, and I'm sure you pay for it ) it was still pretty amazingly relaxed to absorb the unique Launceston lifestyle with our short stay!  And the BED, I need to mention out, was the highlight of the room for me, is the most comfortable one I've ever slept on by far!!!!!! 😁😁

•瀑布狹谷 Cataract Gorge Walk

Amazing Cataract Gorge Walk you don't want to miss out while visiting Launceston.  It's all paved up nicely for any age visitors , even prams & wheelchairs I reckon.  At the end of pathway you'll reach the beautiful reserve that made me wish I could spend the whole day there or go back again with my family!  I so envy those lucky locals passing by who were taking their daily walks, or jogging up & down passing us tourists that obviously were on their usual exercise routes, and those rowing their boats down on the South Esk River!  What a life!!!

·晚餐 @Hallams 

No need to say much about our dinner, you could tell we had an absolute feast on Tasmanian seafood form the pics below.  My first daughter doesn't take seafood, so I'm not good at all cooking fish at any kind, neither am good enough to judge it.  But this dining experience totally changed my view of seafood and brought my taste buds a whole new expectation of freshly prepared quality seafood. It was really yum!!!!  Remember to reserve a table in advance if you could, pretty busy!

(餐廳外觀, 不要錯過了!)