11月中旬, 咖啡媽J 提議, 今年xmas 我們乾脆不要互送禮物吧, 我們去吃Windsor的下午茶, 我還沒去過呢!
已去過兩次的咖啡媽S附議說, 好主意! 我只覺 這主意怎麼聽起來好耳熟!!! 尤其我和另一群友人才去了Parliament House
喝下午茶慶生, 不過我也大聲說好哇! 因為我早就想去瞧瞧鼎鼎有名的Windsor 下午茶, 尤其最近頻有傳聞可能會通過把hotel
關掉變backpacker's的提案時, 我們3人都覺得這點子太讚了! 避開週末我們選了weekday, 一來是因為價格比較便宜一點, 再來時間, 我們希望早點好, 因越靠近耶誕一切都會越來越瘋狂...
Hotel Windsor 建於1883年, 當時墨爾本淘金熱的最高潮,
迄今逾130年歷史的古老建築..保存了當年富麗堂皇的5星級酒店, 一共有180間客房. 只要踏進hotel
lobby立即感受到進入不同時空的感覺, 像是被光陰大神灑了一道金光把上個世紀的風華凝凍, 美麗典雅保存著歲月的痕跡..
酒店的下午茶和服務享譽勝名, 也載負著130年的墨城傳統,至今已serve 過2百萬次客人 (這樣說, 可make sense?!中文在腦海翻攪著)
下午茶不便宜, 如果週一~週五去吃的話, 成人69元澳幣, 小童3-6歲 25元, 大童7-12歲 40元. 星
期六,日就貴多了但是會有個自助式的點心吧檯可盡情享用(聽說很讚呢!) . 收費是成人/小童/大童:89/30/50澳幣. 記得要先預約ㄛ,
有不同場次可適合您的需求, 請參考最下面資訊, 或上她們的網站也行.
bar in the dining hall |
what you are about to eat &drink are all in the menu!! |
looking out to the Treasury's.. |
another corner of the room |
drink menu & the reflections of the lights |
still got time after our afternoon tea , we move to the sofa area having another beverage and soak up the atmosphere.... |
Fredrick Gin & Tonic with cucumber |
old time lifts converted into a couple of exhibition rooms at the corner outside the dining hall! |
leaving the dining hall ... |
another dining hall behind the door... would love to go inside and admire the glass door from the other side! |
the traditional xmas food displaying in the centre of lobby.. all made of icing sugar! |
looking up the staircases! Love the broad daylight shining through... imaging the cloudy days~ |
just elegant, isn't it! |
looking out to the Parliament! |
just love the chandeliers! |
walking out ... end of our happy hour with Windsor for now |
this nice man loves chatting wouldn't let us go..ha ha, and did mention to me about our HSR in Taiwan! |
a city circle tram dressed up in Xmas cheers.. cute! |
好不好吃? 我覺得不錯, 但好像也沒想像中的唇齒留香 哈哈. 可能我對食物敏感度不怎麼高. 套我們一句台灣話 真的是來吃氣氛的, 不過真的是一個相當美好的經驗, 穿上美美的衣裳, 啜飲著法國香檳, 欣賞著美麗的食物擺盤, 咬一口研究著食材和pick out the flavour... 聊著笑著照著相, 耳邊傳來旁邊2桌2次生日快樂歌... 比起在對面Parliarment House 吃
議院下午茶時的拘謹和有意識地壓低音量, 明顯地感受到歡樂的指數有落差哈哈,不過我覺得這純粹是因為場地的區別, 因為對面的身份實在太嚴謹不太能令人放肆, 哈!
來墨爾本玩嗎? 或您跟我一樣住墨爾本, 時間和荷包允許的話.., 不管慶生, 好友聚會或週年紀念日, 或者就是想花錢.. 不管是什麼理由促成的因緣.,
刻意找個機會去Hotel Windsor感受下墨爾本的下午茶吧! ... 在她有可能變成歷史的話題以前! Cheers.
Afternoon Tea at Hotel Windsor
Opening Hours
Monday-Tuesday: 12 noon
Wednesday-Friday: 12 noon & 2:30pm
$69 per adult, children aged 3-6 years $25, aged 7-12 years $40
Saturday-Sunday: 12 noon & 3:00pm
(includes an indulgent dessert buffet)
$89 per adult, children aged 3-6 years $30, aged 7-12 years $50
Reservations are essential
To make a reservation, please telephone +61 3 9633 6004 or email reservations@thw.com.au
Alternatively, to make an instant booking online, click the Book Now button below.
Afternoon Tea In Melbourne