2017年3月12日 星期日

Rain rain go away...@Palm View Villa,HoiAn + Cooking Class @Coconut Hat

糟糕 雨聲滴答滴滴答滴答答滴⋯ 不停!

We arrived Hoi An in rain, and it rained intermittently most of the 3nights we were with Palm Wiew Villa, especially at night it just poured.  The poor weather condition had limited our daily activities, (and so I had heaps of time working on the blog🤓). Kids were also happy with the speedy wifi provided in the villa kept themselves entertaining by watching the YouTube.   Compared to HCMC, I don't know which one is better...rainy humid Hoi An or humid hot HCMC?
離開悶熱的胡志明市⋯⋯抵DaNang是陰霾雨天 伴隨而來的寒涼天氣好不舒服啊!可是一路到Hoi An 這雨就這樣滴滴答答下個不停, 偶爾停擺個半天或一個下午,我們只好趁著著沒有雨的空檔拉著飯店為我們提供的腳踏車出遊!還好有網路填充下雨天的無奈,我們一點都不覺得無聊。

• Accommodation info:

This was our 1st accommodation in HoiAn, Palm View VillaMy family & I would highly recommend it if you are the kind that loves quiet & laid back lifestyle even  you are in HoiAn, please consider it.  Pretty good 👍👍👍 

 分享下這個Airbnb,不要錯過囉^_^! 真的很棒的一個渡假小站。

•Free Foot Bath that help to sooth the tired legs & a good night sleep!

Before dark, the security guard Mr Hao would collect all the different natural leaves around the villa. Plus the ginger grass, laid the first layer those little pebbles in the pot then the leave all sorts, and then poured some warm water into the pot.  You rested your feet into the warm bath, and massaged your feet with the little pebbles!  You could smell the beautiful scent coming out from the crushing gently cooked leaves!!! Accompanied with cups of ginger tea! Really interesting & relaxing!

• Free complimentary dinner from the Villa on our 2nd night!


It was delicious!! The owner Mr Bao is a great cook.  Me & girls also LOVEd their Rice Porridge!!!!!
非常美味, 别墅主人和太太曾在大饭店服物多年,如果没記錯,這棟别墅是他們夫婦累基多年經验而打造的民宿。。 我和女兒最喜歡他們的粥,在店裡叫的都比不上别墅裡的粥美味

• Free bikes to use 提供免费脚踏車

The best way to get around the town in HoiAn are BIKES!  👍👍👍

• Coconut Hat Cooking Class...雨中的煮菜课程

The rain kept falling.. After breakfast we sat in the cool comfy airconed room looking for activities for the day.  We needed "something" to fill in for the long rainy day.  I discovered the Coconut Hat Restaurant that is right next to the beach front, so I suggested we should go there for lunch if the weather was permitted.  MrG could not find anything else better, so he agreed. He & Gmable2 then went out in the rain to check the restaurant out!  

.... So the story continued.  Later we all went along in the rain end up attending their Cooking Class that MrG vowed we won‘t take up another one ever again.  Ha。 The rain had changed his mind!He must haven been feeling bored too.  Yet we had a most wonderful time cooking with our young hosts who are lovely by nature,and sampling our own cooking dish after dish!!   Despite there was a reknown cooking school, Red Bridget,  which's only150m away from our villa that I was thinking to attend.  However I was so glad we came to Coconut Hat Restaurant!  If you are to visit Hoi An and thinking to take up a cooking class, please do consider the Coconut Hat Restaurant. 

這天, 雨是會下一整天! 早飯後我和甘先生翻了又翻Google Map 和手邊的资料,找看看有沒有什麼有趣的活動。在Google Map 上我看到這家河邊的Coconut Hat Restaurant,  提議往郊外去午餐 既然我們的住宿地點是在古鎮和海岸中間! 因為這之後我們接著要去古鎮上住幾天,到時要往海邊跑就比較遠一些,天氣也不好;否則關在這寬敞舒適的villa房間裡,吹著冷氣 我們都在跟自己的手機在渡假,反正午餐也要吃!大家都同意了……………😀⋯結果我們又不小心參加了一次Cooking Class!(哈 我們好像每拜訪一處都會參加一次Cooking Class )一半原因是天雨若不做點什麼事來殺殺時間 一個下午就又無趣的過了. 這次托天氣不好的福 連務實派的甘先生和姐姐都一起做飯了^_^。午後 雨越下越粗,但是我們跟接待我們的年輕廚子夫妻渡過一個很有趣的烹飪時間,真的很純樸的當地人。

之於我們家  這是在這趟旅程裡的一個美好下午,很珍貴的親子時間!意外的收獲💖💞

