2016年11月10日 星期四

B'day Brunch @ the Old Cop Shop /Coburg


Dear Diary,

My birthday today!  Mr G is in Shanghai for work this week or it's a guarantee of breakfast in bed for sure.  Instead kids greeted me with a cup of coffee & bday cards & presents and even sang me bday song before they race out for train to go to school.. I really appreciate their efforts of  making it a special day for me.

For me, it's been a long18-year of lonesome journey living overseas with very limited help & contacts from family and friends both in Melb & Taiwan. Being a full time mum I always somehow feel like living in a semi retired lifestyle particularly in this typical slow pace way  of aussie life. Now kids are in their teens they can do most things by themselves, yet I could not help but feeling OLD a lot of time. With all these spare time I became missing Taiwan more and I started to remember a lot of childhood memories which were ignored unintentionally all those yrs. I told mr G a couple of times , "I am only 47 but somehow feeling like 74! ==.." And my darling husband would answer me in this way," Great! So when you are 83, you will feel just like 38! Bounce around!!" I had to laugh... Now 48, I shall try not to let it feel like 84! Positive thinking!!!

It is the yr of Monkey, and the thought of next Monkey yr comes round I will be 60 struck me greatly!  I look at my other girlfriends who turned 60 in the recent years they are all still out & about, full of energies!  I hope I could be like them too, grow older in mature grace, shine with subtle wisdom and full of personal charisma! Once again, happy bday to me.

Ps, Jackie & Sonya took me out for brunch. We went to the Old Cop Shop in Coburg!  The food & atmosphere were great. Nice dinning experience! Only I did not expect a huge bill in a neighbourhood Cafe. 

今天我生日。咖啡媽請吃早午餐。坐定後 我發現這咖啡廳好應景啊⋯⋯插著黃菊花呢!

咖啡不錯喝 我覺得^_^,我第一次來。很喜歡這杯盤的紅 做洋裝來穿會很襯膚色吧!

兩位咖啡媽對鮭魚情有獨鍾⋯⋯不怎麼愛吃魚的我也想來突破一下,跟她們吃魚,健康理念!上面兩片酥餅 好脆好香,兩顆丸子是香菇餡 真好吃,有香菜和蘆筍搭配,sauce是醬油味但甜味我說不上來⋯很美味 很好吃。一份32澳元。

今天對自己新的一歲的期許就是要突破,膽量大起來 自己可以獨自去做一些事情 也多嚐試自己去參加陌生的聚會 試著在新環境裡「生存」。

主餐後 我們點了一份甜點 Chocolate Fondant, 再配上一杯咖啡,希望把口裡的魚味壓下來(我真囉嗦啊!).  這一份15.50澳元。(個人覺得好不便宜⋯) 

結帳時 我們三人一共176澳元! (3份魚+一份甜點+6杯Soy Latte+一瓶香檳)哇噻 這是$$級的午餐約會了!幾乎是吃下午茶的價位了。不過服務和用餐環境感覺還不錯。我没照太多餐廳的照片,這是由以前的Coburg警察局改裝為咖啡餐廳! 地點在Upfield Line/Coburg Station附近而已,(下了火車後 往Bell St方向走) 就在Bell St上, KFC的斜對面!

