2016年11月11日 星期五

Breakfast+Tour@1932Cafe Restaurant /Manchester Unity Building

November 06, 2016

Dear Diary, 

It's November again which means party time arrived for the Scorpios!! 😜 This year Jac proposed the dinning tour in the 1932 Cafe & Restaurant in the Manchester Unity Building on Collin St and we all loved it soon the idea was mentioned.  The food was great, especially the Champagne was so so tasty, me & Jen both went for our 2nd glass.  As the building  itself it was fascinating, the tour was magnificently led by 2  ladies professionally given out all the bits of history & related stories of the building!!!! If you are a person who is very fond of architecture and loves historical old things , this is absolutely a cup of tea for you!!!

We had such wonderful tour after a yummy breakfast.  Such a different experience from our  Parliament High Tea last year, I wonder where we are going to celebrate our next birthdays in 2017! 

光輝燦爛的11月春是我們天蠍座的天下,我們有every right to call for a party 因為是我們的生日。哈哈。今年我們來到市區的一個老建築, Manchester Unity Building, 樓下的1932Cafe吃早餐後再由專人導覽這座層經繁華一時的古商業建築。 

這棟建築建於1932,當時正逢澳洲的經濟蕭條時期,這棟建築物每層樓切割出一間一間的商舖出賣提供了各式各樣的商機,經濟許可的人就來這裡營業,據說當時的人會專門進城來這大樓辦事,願意的話可以在這大樓待一整天,早上去剪頭髮辦辦事,中午可以上頂樓餐廳吃飯休憩,下午去珠寶店舖晃晃 或去裁縫挑件布料添置衣裙或舞會的洋裝,吃個晚餐再回家。。我覺得這簡直像個小型百貨公司!讓我想起了高雄的新崛江。建築裡頭的手扶梯是當時第一座,據說開幕當天就承載了?萬人(忘記數字了 對不起)上樓!但是沒有做下樓的手扶梯 客倌們自己要找路下樓!哈哈。 還有大樓裡的昇降電梯也是全國第一部,因此在一樓電梯前的大理石板上提了ELEVATOR字做紀念!

牙醫Smile Solutions自2002年起搬遷過來營業,至2016年時已有85,000人次的客戶,為了服務這龐大的客戶群,目前1-5樓及頂樓的塔已被艱難詳細地和忠誠原來的風貌設計重新修護後開啟使用。同時牙醫的老闆也是這棟大樓的擁有人MD Dr Kia Pajouhesh。更多更多的故事於建築的特色在這兩個小時內揭露⋯⋯ 是一個很有趣的一個tour,有興趣的朋友不妨找個藉口來吃飯並讓專員為您做精闢詳盡解說。

喜歡的話記得要先預約,只去用餐喝咖啡就沒有包含tour。也有下午茶可享用。餐廳地址是Collin St,但其實它就在Melbourne Town Hall的正對面!您常常經過它而錯過它呢!

•Waiting for Jac & Jen to arrive...

I really like the photo a lot. You can see the Town Hall across the road!

• the Breakfast is about to start..

•and, the Tour starts here....

I hope you enjoy the unprofessional photos taken by my iPhone. ^^ Cheers ^^.

