plus the VN🇻🇳 style foot massage😭
This was our last day in HCMC, last chance to do whatever we needed/wanted to do in our lists prior NOT to coming back soon! We were in two groups today. After our VN style foot massages in 137, mrG & Gamble3 went to shop at Ben Tanh Market to sharpen up their haggling skills in the heat while Gamble4 agreed to come along with me to the high tea extravaganza at Caravelle Saigon!
我們都差不多該中暑了。今天是胡志明市的最後一天,把想做的吃的買的⋯取捨一下趕緊做了。我們兵分兩路,說服了妹妹跟我來酒店喝下午茶,姐姐跟爸爸走他們的行程去Ben Tanh Market磨煉殺價技巧。
•Vietnamese High Tea @ Catavelle Saigon
First high tea experience for Gamble4, she was wrapped and did enjoy it. She wanted to try out the traditional high tea.
The food presentation of my choice of Vietnamese high tea had changed from those pictures I had viewed on net which was indeed what I expected for before I walked in! Never mind then, it was still a unique high tea experience luncheoning with Gamble4! It's first come first serve, so there's no need to book in advance, and you can't do it anyway. 我的越式下午茶端上桌時 我並沒有哇噻的驚喜,因為沒有用期待中的傳統越式籠子裝盤,小失望。不過食物還是很有意思。下午茶採取先到先服務,不能也不用預約。(我想 是生意很好才可以這樣做生意吧!!!)
We had to ask the menu back to find out our what we were eating..... Which was really necessary as we were familiar with the spices and vegetables in VN cooking.
我們跟小姐要回菜單 好比照我們吃入口的美食。很高興陪我來的是妹妹,比起挑嘴不愛吃肉的姐姐,跟妹妹吃飯真的比較有趣。
我們座位的落地窗戶面對歌劇院,這也是下午茶的賣點! 可是這建地鐵的工程大剌剌的把這面美景破壞了⋯=_=。 換個角度想 多年後如果再走訪胡志明市 就有地鐵了 不但會更方便遊走城市,票價透明化後也減輕不少被敲竹槓的負面心理負擔,玩起來也輕鬆自在多了。加油胡志明市。
•the VN style 👣foot massage!!! 怕痛者慎入😢
This foot massage salon only sells one type of service, there's no other options!!!we didn't know it until we walked in. I wish I studied the photos well that printed on the back of cards!
這幾家足浴店是我們每天來回必經的路上的其中一家。在早餐後和下午茶中間,我貪圖了不用在陽光下走遠路的小便宜,放棄網路上大家推薦的miumiu spa和健之家,約了女兒一起去足浴, 一心期待著久違的精油按摩放鬆⋯,連女兒也躍躍欲試。結果一進門 穿著美麗奧黛的小姐說只有一種選擇,沒有其他選項,那時我就應該放棄!可是不瞭解越式足浴的行程的我還傻傻的問女兒好不好,買了單,VND400,000/1人(真的自動上門的3隻傻肥羊!好貴呀),然後我們就跟隨進去更衣了。
On the back of the cards it actually had step by step explanation of this 90 mins massage! I did have a good look before we walked in though.卡片背面的確有印上圖片解釋按摩療程。。我們都看的了卻感受不出來實際的痛。
痛啊⋯⋯這一番折騰! 這90分鐘的越式足浴真痛,也真讓我大開👀界呀。女兒到現在還在喊疼 哈哈 她們也應該畢生難忘了吧。我全程都在幻想著泰式香精按摩來減輕身體的疼痛,哎唷喂呀,相形之下泰式足浴算是很enjoyable!我真花了大錢找罪受。不過我必需承認小黃瓜膚臉和熱石頭還算舒服!我雖趴著但我可以感覺到這些嬌小的女孩用膝關節?或也許腳掌?來按壓穴道 很精準也很痛也令人紧張。或許這跟折來折去的泰式按摩類似吧,(我怕痛 從沒試過泰式 但朋友都說做完了很舒服)。如果您喜歡強烈的按摩手法 這越式足浴應該會滿足您!
•Dinner at Bitexco tower
I was looking for somewhere nice to take kids out for dinner and realized the Bitexco tower was just across the road from our Airbnb place!!! And so we went along, but we weren't super hungry at the time and kids were craving for chips... So we had 2 big fries & popcorn chicken nuggets in KFC, pretty YUM ^^. Inside the tower there were also heaps of shops cafes restaurants and cinemas of your choice. Or you could purchase tickets to go high up to the Sky deck to enjoy the night view of Saigon. 最後一晚了 我才發現這Bitexco離我們的Airbnb超近,就過條大馬路而已(而且有紅綠燈和班馬線 無须冒著生命危险過馬路!)本來是要帶女兒去吃餐廳 但女兒卻只想薯條,好吧,再加上小雞塊,皆大歡喜。 然後慢慢逛下樓,滿意了再回家。
•Jell Nail /HCMC
最後 分享第一晚我和妹妹的美甲經驗。我們在Ben Tanh Market旁隨機挑選,壓力很大,在當地人眼中我們就是肥羊,他們都要我們的生意。在文章裡 其實我只是想分享店家的所營造的粉紅色的牆壁和螺旋狀的鐵花樓梯⋯ 好不浪漫!哈 很女生。對不起 我真的是個很重視覺感受的俗物啊