(Above: Mekong River)
Here we are Saigon. I prefer call it Saigon over Ho Chih Ming City, it sounds more romantic don't you think 😎! After the first 24hrs ordeal caused by delayed JQ7, we were so looking forward to settle down in our first accommodation in Saigon. It was around midday when we finally arrived our Airbnb home in Disct 1.
終於到了!原來12小時的路程搞了24小時長,加上行前的早起和時間差異 我們都膩了漂泊的感覺(啊這不才第一天而已!),很想趕快把行李安頓好 開始走跳了~ 胡志明市,英文我喜歡稱她西貢,總覺得聽起來比較羅蔓蒂克 哈。
Si,mrG's coulleague from Saigon, came to take us out for lunch & spent a whole afternoon showed us around. We had a beautiful lunch in Magnolia that the chef is specialised in her Mekong cuisines. We had a great introduction of Saigon from Si a local's perspective & opinions of the city & his country which was profoundly interesting. No need to mention the weather was hot & humid for us to adapt.. Yet HCMC IS really quite pretty in its silent form which kept drawing her admirers from all over the world like us. Hope you like some of the photos below.
甘先生同事Si是本地人, 因是星期天他特別過來接我們去午餐 陪我們逛了一個下午。有當地人帶著逛真是我們的福氣!其實我覺得對甘先生更好 有人陪他講話聊天,女兒也不會吵嘴。 以下照片分享一些些我們腳程。人聲鼎沸的胡志明市在無聲的照片裡的確挺美的!只是我們熱到快中暑了。
•The Independent Palace
• Saigon Notre-Dame Basilica
•the neighbourhood...
in the shabby old building right next to our Airbnb house, we were told there are a lot of vintage cafes & bars & shops hidden and to explore! Me & girls took a quick walk upstairs had a look but really, didn't quite understand why shops are open in this dirty old building? Maybe cheap rental?!
Airbnb家巷子內 隔壁髒亂破舊的古樓上 想像不到裡面隱藏不少咖啡店和服飾藝品店! 更妙的是真有不少年青人出入和藝術攝影組上下樓!這也是胡志明市的文化特色之一吧。
•street views
Gamble3 & Gamble4 tried to persuade me to buy the outfits & wear it..... I had to put my foot down and opposed it few times==.😶. 每天街頭巷尾很多婦女都穿著一套套的便服,不但花色多變而且色調鮮豔。女兒覺得很妙,一直聳恿我買一套來穿,⋯ 我強烈反對 這樣我會真的馬上變身為阿尚, 我—不—要😂!
後記: 返墨城 好友問我此行目的達到了嗎? 我笑笑回她一半一半,吃是吃得很開心,但親子關係似乎平平 除了在會安時因為天雨被困在屋子裏 我們自己找樂子做了幾次遊戲 因而泛出新的漣漪 雖然不長久還真是托雨水的福 也算是正面能量!雖然女兒還是時不時鬥嘴 或跟我們倆老扭脾氣。 您也跟我們一樣為了青春期的兒女而煩惱 想促進親子關係嗎?試試家庭旅遊吧!還有玩家庭遊戲,在歡笑中您會有不一樣的發現^^。。