2016年11月30日 星期三

Mekong River Day trip



MrG made an impulsive decision and booked a day trip to Mekong River through our Airbnb host Minh while we were checking in day before! It wasnt expected but nice to be included in this HCMC visit as we missed out Mekong 3 years ago!  Kind of looking forward to meet this famous mighty river!!!!!
前一天Checkin時 Minh我們Airbnb的屋主很熱心的告之附近商機外 也幫提供一些旅遊咨詢, 未料甘先生約好了請他幫我們安排隔天的湄公河一日遊。得知後 我有點訝異 不是不想去嗎!但也好。Minh說會一起去!我想這樣更好,有個會說英文和越南話的人在旁邊同行 也許比較不會被任人宰割,反正我們家上次來錯過了湄公河。我還蠻期盼近距離看到大名鼎鼎的湄公河 雖然飛機上看到的黃澄澄的河水沒想像中美!不知為何也同時想起黃河的水應該也是黃的。😅

It was a day trip only.  Our airbnb host Minh came along with us.  We first took a Uber to the meeting place at the backpacks street/zone, awaiting to be picked up by the tour guide, then going out as one big group with all tourists booked from whichever hotels/travel agents. It reminded me the Khao San Rd in Bangkok
所以一早按約定 我們準備好7點跟Minh在門口會合,搭一小段Uber去到背包客區, 再等⋯待跟一大團會合,再出發! 耐心是跟團旅遊的必須!

It's 90mins to 2hrs drive one way depending on the traffic flow of the current hour.  On our bus there were 2 different groups that would split at the end of day by Mekong 1-day tour or Mekong 3-day tour!!! MrG was really jealous of those  people who went on for 3-day tour.  I wouldn't mind that I guess..but we really did not have planned it well beforehand.
終於要出發,我們一群人跟著綠色小旗子走了一段路到達一個停車場,去各個目的地的遊客在此再度分發依照目的地上大巴,去 湄公河?柬蒲寨? 會安?。。,我們去湄公河的旅客上了同一輛大巴士,上了巴士才知道裡面還有分一日遊跟三日遊的旅客!但不管一日遊或三日遊,今天的行程都绑在一起。一切很有組織,看起來遊客量很大。從市區到湄公河單趟車程從90分鐘到2小時不等,一切由當下的交通狀況決定。 導遊小姐英文還不錯 適時的充分的解釋了我們需要知道的旅遊景點訊息。

•Mekong River

There are four islands in Mekong River which are Unicorn, Turtle, Dragon and Phoenix. On this tour we mainly visited the Unicorn Island. 

•Honey Tasting ! /Unicorn Island

Its famous for their Longan Honey!  Then we walked to board our 10mins rowing  boat. 首先我們靠岸來品嚐龍眼蜜茶和點心,接著要走過一段林子去坐划船

• Rowing boat/ Unicorn Island  

This 10 mins was the highlight of my day! So I put a lot of pictures in.:D

•Coconut Candy Factory /Unicorn Island

椰子糖工場參觀 試吃 也可以購買

Lunch in a huge restaurant with gardens & recreational areas


Local sweets + Folk-art Instrumental & Songs
The last activity of day, we boarded our boat for a little ride & called on different wharf to have Longan tea & some fruits accompanying by local folk music & singing entertainment. 最後節目,點心時間配上當地的傳統歌謠和樂器。

回來後想起 我問甘先生倒底他付Minh多少錢?他說一人15USD ! 我在心裏自言自語:漲價了嗎?一樣的湄公河一日遊我在不同網頁部落格裡讀到的好像都才每人10元不到!剛開始本以為是包車我們一行5人坐7人座的車去,但並非如此, 我們是參加團去到背包客街跟會合許多散客坐大巴去了。 莫非我們無知地被屋主坑了,默默地幫他付了旅費?啊!啊⋯實在不能想的太複雜 這樣就破壞旅遊的心情和對人的信任,他看起來是個實在的樸實青年 雖然有現代青年的冷淡氣質 但做為Airbnb的屋主算蠻熱誠的, 可是。可是。。我好想知道事實哇! 關於「真相」連資銖必較的甘先生已經放棄去尋找,他說都已經過去了,那⋯我還是就此閉嘴吧🤐🤔 。整體而言 所有的費用都包含了,我們其實不用再多花任何錢 除了額外的飲料或購物,所以一天約澳幣20元一人其實是不貴啦,這樣來想就好多了。 (就是慿這概念玩完了後面的會安。。不然只要想到我們都是當地人的大肥羊心情就會很糟啊。。)

