2015年11月12日 星期四

Mornington 1/2day trip

天空的鳥兒 居然排出個笑臉!!心情能不好嘛
11 /11/15
B is in town for 3 weeks from Tainan but stays with her MIL in Mornington, hence this trip was created. I met J in Richmond first, and we went from there.  Started our date with a big smiley face in the cloudy sky which has to be a SIGN! And we had a great time catching up alright, short & sweet!  A gathering can't be completed without coffee & food!  Since we are not locals so we randomly picked the cafes of the day, and they turned out quite alright! There's a market on Wednesday we were told.  It got pretty busy around midday.  A lovely township to visit. Overnight would be just perfect! Attached Cafes info below.

女友從台灣回來玩,但她待在婆婆家Monington,昨天和幾位女友專程去找她聚聚.  Mornington 就在海邊, 是著名渡假勝地! 從墨爾本開下去大概一個多小時.  聚會當然少不了咖啡和美食.  我們幾個都算遊客, 所以也只憑感覺挑咖啡廳.. 雖是個小鎮 選擇還蠻多的, 因觀光客不少 所以東西感覺不會太便宜....食物的價位跟city差不多. 下次去Mornington玩時 您如果不知道去哪兒喝咖啡吃午餐好 參考下我們造訪的咖啡廳吧

 Coffee Traders

我和J 抵Mornington, 其他3位已坐在裡面暢談著啜飲著超大杯咖啡... 咖啡店面雖不大生意不錯 店門外擺了好幾張桌椅   外牆的長春藤為店面加分許多!


 Via Boffe Cafe
走出Coffee Traders 我們選擇了先用午餐, 因為我們得在2點左右返家, 有要接孩子的有要上課的.. 剔除了幾樣選擇, 於是我們走進旁邊的Via Boffe Cafe, 只因地利之便!  這Cafe裡裡外外佈置的很溫馨..天氣好的話可以坐後院! 蠻舒服的^^ 食物好不好吃? 我覺得不錯!  值得一提的是 它的洗手間在後院往停車場出口處, 記得向櫃檯拿鑰匙!




後院, 還有我的午餐:>,soylatte & stuffed capsicum with quinoa + sweetpotato
雖然已不流行拍照, 我還是喜歡拍流水照.... 哈,一看就記起來當下食物的美味了!

回程... 突然間, 車子轉了個小彎.. 眼前一片海景..盡收眼底!

這個小鎮很值得來走走! 記得星期三來 好像還有市場可以逛...  下次想出遊玩玩海水逛逛精品小店吃吃好吃的  Mornington 是個不錯的選擇ㄛ!

Main Street Market Mornington

Coffee Traders Mornington

Via Boffe Cafe

